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Friendly Phone On Hold Wins Loyal Customers

Over the 13+ years Easy On Hold has been in the music on hold business, we’ve often asked clients to describe the style or tone of their custom spoken message. The terms heard most often are, “friendly” and “professional”. What drives this?

Most people complain that on-hold messages are filled with insipid brochure-talk and synthesized music, but the real trouble is that people can be easily offended just by being placed on hold. While standing in line at the bank, a man was overheard explaining, “I called your bank and you put me on hold.” He was angry—even offended—to have been placed on hold. People want personal attention and they want it now. While the bank manager could not avoid the man’s hold time, he could have had a voice on-hold that was so friendly and professional that the experience would have been at least tolerable for even the most irritable customer.

Tips For Sounding Friendly—Phrases To Avoid And To Consider

Never apologize for being on hold. If hold is so bad then we shouldn’t have put you there. Instead, prompt the caller to feel glad that they called in the first place.

  • We’re glad you called.
  • We’re looking forward to talking with you.

Never tell the caller that they’re important. At one time this was acceptable, but today everyone knows the line, “If I’m so darned important, then why am I on hold?” Instead, politely thank the caller.

  • Thanks for your call.
  • Thanks for calling us today.
  • We appreciate your call.
  • Thanks for connecting with us.

Never explain that you’re busy with someone else. The customer is king, and there can only be one king. Instead, show that they’re appreciated.

  • Thanks for your business.
  • As a valued customer (member, associate)…
  • You’re our number one priority.

Keep the caller hanging on with short—brief—not lengthy “coming right back” phrases. Did we mention that these are very short?

  • Hold on, we’re coming right back.
  • You’ve got our attention! We’re on our way back to your call.
  • You’ll find out more in just a moment.

Let the caller know that they are of interest; they’re needed; we must speak with them right away.

  • If you’ve got a comment, we’d like to hear it.
  • Your opinion counts.
  • You’re about to get the answers you need.

Politeness demands that we are not too glib, sarcastic or self-centered. We are customer-focused, not on a soap box.

  • Welcome to…
  • Please
  • Thank you
  • If you thought_________, you’re right!
  • Let’s talk about it.

70% of business calls are placed on hold. Spend some time with your Easy On Hold Music On Hold Expert to prepare for this inevitability. Focus on the caller and use the friendly phrases we suggest here (or, add your own-get a little creative!).

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