Looking for a music on hold messages provider that is reliable and professional? Look for the Easy On Hold A+ rating!
I was cheerfully greeted this morning with this note in my inbox:
Thank you for your very professional and easy service. When you find someone with a google search you never know how professional they will be, you guys are very good at what you do and I would recommend you to anyone.
Lori Sowers of Arvine Pipe And Supply
Sometimes an online company can forget that online shoppers have a right to be apprehensive and extremely cautious. “Buyer beware” is truer than ever. So how can we at Easy On Hold continue to build confidence among online shoppers who genuinely need help with music on hold and messages on hold systems? By following a code of ethics. This is how we have maintained our A-Plus Rating with the Better Business Bureau ever since joining BBB.
Easy On Hold A+ Means Trust
The BBB’s online division, called “BBBOnLine” has a mission to promote trust and confidence on the Internet. Member businesses with web sites can display the BBB Accredited Business seal online, but only after the BBB has confirmed adherence to the BBB Code of Business Practices, including its online standard.
Here’s a brief look at the BBBOnline Code of Business Practices.
1. Build Trust
Establish and maintain a positive track record in the marketplace.
- Have been operational (actively selling products or services) in any BBB service area for at least the most recent 12 months.
- Be free from government action that demonstrates a significant failure to support BBB ethical principles.
- Be free of an unsatisfactory rating and maintain at least a B rating at the accrediting BBB.
- Meet all applicable standards within this Code of Business Practices
- Cooperate with BBB’s activities and efforts to promote voluntary self-regulation within the business’ industry
- Honor any settlements, agreements or decisions reached as an outcome of a BBB dispute resolution process
- Complete the required application and pay all monetary obligations to BBB in a timely manner
Easy On Hold A+ Means Honesty
2. Advertise Honestly
Adhere to established standards of advertising and selling.
- Abide by the BBB Code of Advertising.
- Adhere to applicable BBB industry codes of advertising.
- Cooperate with BBB self-regulatory programs for the resolution of advertising disputes.
- Use the BBB name and logos in accordance with BBB policy.
- Avoid misleading customers by creating the false impression of sponsorship, endorsement, popularity, trustworthiness, product quality or business size through the misuse of logos, trustmarks, pictures, testimonials, or other means.
Easy On Hold A+ Means Truthful
3. Tell the Truth
Honestly represent products and services, including clear and adequate disclosures of all material terms
- Make known all material facts in both written and verbal representations.
- Ensure that any written materials are readily available, clear, accurate and complete.
Easy On Hold A+ Means Transparent
4. Be Transparent
Openly identify the nature, location, and ownership of the business, and clearly disclose all policies, guarantees and procedures that bear on a customer’s decision to buy.
Clearly disclose to customers:
- direct and effective means to contact the business
- terms of any written contract
- any guarantees or warranties accompanying a product
- any restrictions or limitations imposed (e.g. limited supply,maximum number available per customer)
- the business’ return/refund policy
- any recurring commitment into which the customer may be entering, including information on how future billing will occur
- total cost of the transaction, including tax, shipping and handling, and other related charges
If selling products or providing services on Web sites or via other electronic means:
- provide any required product labeling information
- disclose the nature and terms of shipping, including any known delays or shortages of stock
- provide an opportunity to review and confirm the transaction before the sale is completed
- provide a receipt summarizing the transaction after the purchase
Easy On Hold A+ Means Responsive
5. Be Responsive
Address marketplace disputes quickly, professionally, and in good faith.
- Promptly respond to all complaints forwarded by BBB.
- Make a good faith effort to resolve disputes.
- Comply with any settlements, agreements or decisions reached as an outcome of a BBB dispute resolution process.
- Cooperate with BBB in efforts to eliminate the underlying cause of patterns of customer complaints that are identified by BBB.
We Respect Your Privacy
6. Safeguard Privacy
Protect any data collected against mishandling and fraud, collect personal information only as needed, and respect the preferences of customers regarding the use of their information.
Businesses conducting e-commerce agree to disclose on their Web site the following:
- what information they collect,
- with whom it is shared,
- how it can be corrected,
- how it is secured,
- how policy changes will be communicated, and;
- how to address concerns over misuse of personal data.
- Secure sensitive data.
- Honor Customer preferences regarding contact by telephone, fax and e-mail, and agree to remedy the underlying cause of any failure to do so.
It all comes down to Integrity
Easy On Hold knows that a spotless customer service record is the gold standard for online businesses, and we will work every day to maintain our BBB A+ Rating. Learn more about Better Business Bureau ratings.