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7 Ways to Use Message On Hold Audio on Your Website

Did You Know You Could Use Message On Hold Audio on Your Website?

In the online world, content is king, and that includes audio. Have you ever thought about re-purposing your message on hold audio for use on your website? With the proper license from Easy On Hold, you may use portions of your on hold audio recordings for playback on your site.

Here are some examples of website audio that may already exist in your message on hold audio recording–and with the correct editing–can be recycled for a new use:

  1. On the home page or about us page, to explain your company mission, values or ‘vibe’.
  2. To provide a ‘voice’ for your company brand.
  3. As the narration for a mini slideshow of your products and services, or customer service process.
  4. Accompany a monthly or seasonal special graphic.
  5. Introduce a new product or service.
  6. Explain a new policy or written directions/instructions that may be confusing.
  7. Accompany written instructions that may be confusing.

These are just 7 examples. What comes to mind for your site?

Easy On Hold Message On Hold Audio being produced in studio
Easy On Hold Editor Shelagh Koets editing on hold audio

Making Web Audio From Your On Hold Audio

Your Easy On Hold Account Manager will arrange for you to download your custom on hold audio. We will provide files in the .mp3 format, but other audio formats are available.

We can also edit your audio to various lengths. At times we are asked to edit new music or remove background music. It’s OK to get creative.

Getting the web audio on your site can be tricky, and best left to your webmaster or programmer. However, if you have a WordPress site, there are a few ways to add audio.

Amateurs can hurt traffic to the site by making colossal mistakes such as, embedding the audio so that it plays as soon as the page is loaded. Or, providing no pause or stop button. These web audio mistakes can cost you visitors.

There are several web audio players that may help you embed your voiced message on hold recordings onto your website.

Don’t Forget The Licesning

Be sure that all of the audio you use on your website is properly licensed for use there. Music copyrights can especially be quite specific in whether website performances are allowed. Contact us about web audio licensing  or call 888-798-4653.

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