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Mini Tutorial: Music On Hold Installation For Nortel Phone System

A frequent question regarding on-hold system setup is, “How do I install the music on hold messages on my Nortel (Norstar) phone system?”. Here is a quick tutorial.

1) Connection from USB PRO Music On Hold Player

The connection required for the music on hold player is the “RCA” type (also called phono). The 2-Channel Business Audio System by Easy On Hold has two outputs: 8-Ohms and 600-Ohms. The 600-Ohms audio output is best suited for telephone systems, however, the 8-Ohm output is available to provide a higher-volume output if needed.

2. Connection to Nortel Phone System
Nortel systems usually require the music on hold connection to be punched down onto the cross-connect block (a.k.a. punch-down block, terminating block).

music on hold for nortel device diagram
You will receive cables and connectors to allow the RCA output from the player to connect to 3.5mm jack (shown) or RCA jack.
Telephone System Punchdown Block
Telephone System Punchdown Block

Your telephone system administrator should know how to punch down onto the block. A female RCA-type (phono) jack should be provided to allow the use of the RCA connection cable that came with the purchase of your USB PRO music on hold player.

Sometimes you must work with a punch-down block that already has a connector wired to it. Often this connector is not RCA type. Typically, it is a 3.5mm (one-eighth-inch) male audio plug (the size used by personal headphones or earbuds). In this case, the plug must be adapted to fit in the RCA audio output fitting on the music on hold player.

3.5mm male audio jack
3.5 mm male audio jack

Adapting from 3.5mm to RCA
A simple audio adapter can be used to modify the tip of the 3.5mm plug to convert it to RCA. (Request one from Easy On Hold by contacting music on hold support.) Just plug the 3.5mm jack into the back of the 274-871 adapter and you’ll be able to plug into the USB PRO output to complete the connection to your phone system.

If you still do not hear music on hold playing after making a secure audio connection, you may need to set the configuration of the Nortel phone system to activate music on hold. Here is the sequence for most some older Nortel Systems:

1) FEATURE * * CONFIG (266344).  You will see Password: displayed

2) CONFIG (266344) is the default password. You will see A. Configuration

3) Hit forward arrow to enter menu A. Configuration. You will see 1. Trk/Line Data

4) Scroll to 3Call Handling and then enter this menu.

5) Hit the forward arrow ten times (scroll to On hold: ) You will see On hold is set to either Silence, Tones, or Music

6) If this is not set to Music, hit CHANGE until Music appears.

7) End the session by hitting Rls (release) or disconnect.

Your phone may function differently, but this instruction demonstrates a common procedure for activating music on hold on a Nortel System.

Here is some information for users of the Nortel ICS Compact systems:

1) Connect the music source output to the 25-pair distribution block ensuring the input groud is connected to the music source ground. Warning: To avoid possible damage to your Compact ICS system or music source, the music source ground must be connected according to the wiring charts.

2) Adjust the music source volume to a comfortable level by activating Background Music (Function 86) and adjusting the volume at the music source.

If the music on hold is not enabled on the Nortel ICS Compact system:

Use Featr settings. Press CHANGE to select the setting: Music. (Tones or silence are the other options).

Easy On Hold is not responsible for the performance, installation, or operation of the equipment we do not sell. Articles about equipment are for educational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of any make or brand. Easy On Hold makes no claims or warranties regarding telephone equipment of any kind.


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