How To Update Your Browser To Take Advantage Of Easy On Hold Features
The wide world of web browsing is constantly changing. It makes sense that the tool we use to get on the Internet, the web browser, change as well. Many web sites, including Easy On Hold, have been designed with new features that make your online experience safer and more productive. However, your old browser may not be in tune with these new features. You’ll want to keep up with the latest versions of your web browser.
About 52% of visitors to Easy On Hold are using “the blue e”, Internet Explorer by Microsoft. Microsoft updates their browser software constantly
and it’s up to you to stay current. The good news is, updating a browser is pretty simple.
Update Windows from your All Programs menu
1. Click on the Microsoft Start Button
2. Choose All Programs
3 Choose Windows Update
A Menu of available updates will appear. This list should include the newest Internet Explorer updates for better browser functionality. Follow the prompts to download the updates.
There’s a new version of Explorer being promoted now, but it is in BETA, which means it may not be 100% ready for prime time. Only use the beta if you have some computer savvy.
My personal choice for browsing is Mozilla Firefox. It is the second most popular browser used by visitors to Easy On Hold. Updating Firefox is darned easy. Go here: and click the icon for the latest version. Follow the simple setup. Firefox is a very secure and dependable browser.
The newest browser brand on the market is Google Chrome (yes, that Google). It seems to make sense that they get into the browser game, too. Go here: This is a nice clean looking browser that my 8th grade son uses and that’s enough of an endorsement for me.
Apple has long been offering its own browser, called Safari. If you’ve ever downloaded iTunes or Quicktime, you’ve probably seen Safari or may have even downloaded it. If you’re on a Mac, you can use a variety of browsers, but the one that looks the most like the rest of your applications will be Safari. Go here: to get it.
There are other browsers, namely Opera, Avant, Netscape and more (check the list here). Whichever browser you choose, keeping it up do date will definitely enhance your online experience and allow you to take full advantage of our site and many others.
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